Is Sleeping With a Tv on Bad for Babies

Sleep Wellness. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2020 Jun 1.

Published in final edited form as:

PMCID: PMC6581597


Telly use and its effects on sleep in early childhood

Abigail F. Helm

Department of Psychological & Encephalon Sciences, Academy of Massachusetts, Amherst

Rebecca M. C. Spencer

Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst



The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of telly (TV) viewing and sleeping room TV presence on young children's slumber as measured by actigraphy.


Analyses of covariance were run to examine differences in sleep duration and quality amidst children based on the presence of TVs in their bedrooms and the amount of Television set watched.


Recruited in preschools in Massachusetts; recorded ambulatory (in dwelling, environs).


Participants were 470 children between 33 and 71 months of age (M = 51.02).


Children were instructed to wear an actigraph watch for xvi-days. Caregivers reported demographic information, completed beliefs questionnaires, and answered questions regarding their kid's TV employ.


Children who watched more Goggle box and had TVs in their chamber displayed significantly shorter slumber elapsing and worse sleep, but they also napped significantly longer in the daytime. Nonetheless, full 24-hour slumber was shorter for those who watched more TV and had TVs in their sleeping accommodation compared to those who did not have TVs in their bedrooms or watch Idiot box oftentimes. Children who had TVs in their bedrooms watched TV later on at night, watched more adult TV programs, and had college negative affect than children without TVs in their bedrooms.


These findings propose that TV apply in young children does touch sleep duration and quality every bit measured by actigraphy, and daytime napping does non offset these negative impacts.

Keywords: sleep, early on childhood, television, actigraphy


Even with the prevalence of mobile technologies, boob tube (Telly) accounts for about 42% of daily screen time amongst children 0–8 years (Rideout, 2017). Goggle box exposure in children has been linked with parent-reported shorter sleep elapsing every bit well as sleep terrors, nightmares, and daytime tiredness (Brockmann et al., 2016). It is critical to understand the connection between sleep and TV access, specially in immature children. Research on TV exposure has primarily examined adults and school-age children. Less is known of Boob tube use and sleep in early on babyhood. Thus, the current report examined effects of TV on young children's sleep at night and during daytime naps using actigraphy as an objective measure of sleep.

Television viewing and sleep

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children should exist limited to 2 hours of Television set per day and children under 2 years should not lookout whatsoever television (Strasburger, 2010). Watching more TV and watching TV at a very young age has been associated with negative effects on cerebral evolution (Mistry, Minkovitz, Strobino, & Borzekowski, 2007; Nathanson, Aladé, Sharp, Rasmussen, & Christy, 2014; Zimmerman & Christakis, 2005).

Extended TV viewing has been associated with negative impacts on sleep. From a study of children 4–7 years, Cespedes et al. (2014) reported that each hr of TV was associated with a vii minute decrease in nighttime slumber duration. A contempo written report of children from 6 months to 17 years of historic period revealed merely a modest effect of digital screen employ (east.thou., Idiot box, estimator, cell phones), such that each additional hour of use was associated with 3–8 fewer minutes of overnight sleep (Przybylski, 2018). Timing of Idiot box viewing is also peculiarly important. Children who watch TV after 7 p.m. display more than bedtime resistance, more anxiety around sleep, shorter slumber duration, and longer sleep onset compared to children who only scout Tv set during the twenty-four hour period (Cain & Gradisar, 2010; Calamaro et al., 2011). Sleep difficulties accept been observed afterwards children watched Idiot box alone, watched TV at bedtime, and watched adult programs (Paavonen, Pennonen, Roine, Valkonen, & Lahikainen, 2006).

Some hypotheses regarding the mechanism by which TV disturbs sleep are primarily based on the premise that Television set viewing occurs immediately before bedtime. One caption is that time viewing Television receiver displaces time sleeping, thus individuals do not get an adequate amount of sleep (Foley et al., 2013; Orzech, Grandner, Roane, & Carskadon, 2016). TV viewing as well mat increase mental and emotional arousal (Cespedes et al., 2014; Nathanson & Fries, 2014; Orzech et al., 2016). The increases might not abate before the person goes to bed, thus impacting slumber onset and quality. Finally, light emitted by the Tv set might filibuster melatonin release and disrupts cyclic rhythms, impacting biological processes which govern slumber (Brockmann et al., 2016; Calamaro et al., 2011). Given that these hypotheses suggest a greater impact of Telly immediately prior to slumber onset, information technology is of import to consider the presence of TVs in children's bedrooms (Brockmann et al., 2016).

Sleeping accommodation TVs

The American Academy of Pediatrics as well recommends that children not have TVs in their bedrooms (Strasburger, 2010). Nonetheless, 29% of children between the ages 0 and 8 years take TVs in their bedrooms (Rideout, 2017), and parents oft report the main reason is to help the child fall asleep. Nonetheless, based on parent-reported sleep, children with TVs in their bedrooms feel more than sleep problems and sleep 9 minutes fewer during the night than children without TVs in their bedrooms (Brockmann et al., 2016; Cain & Gradisar, 2010; Cespedes et al., 2014; Garrison et al., 2010).

Children with TVs in their bedrooms spend twoscore–90 minutes more than watching Idiot box than children without TVs in their bedrooms (Sisson, Broyles, Newton, Baker, & Chernausek, 2010). Children with TVs in their bedrooms also watch more fierce TV programs (Garrison et al., 2010). In improver, the presence of TVs in bedrooms is more common for children in low-income households (Borghese et al., 2015).

The electric current study

The current written report examined the effects of TV viewing elapsing as well as the presence of TVs in the bedroom on young children's (33–71 months) slumber. Of the scant literature on TV use and sleep at this age, studies accept relied on parent-reported measures of sleep. Importantly, we remove parent misperceptions past utilizing actigraphic measures of slumber (Sadeh, Sharkey, & Carskadon, 1994). Actigraphy measures are more accurate because parents tend to overestimate sleep elapsing (Brockmann et al., 2016). In addition, we collected information most daytime naps equally well as the Telly programs children watch. We besides considered factors which might contribute to the presence of Idiot box in the sleeping room, such as mother instruction, family income, and child temperament. We hypothesized that children's slumber elapsing and quality would be reduced by Television receiver viewing and TV presence in the chamber. We also hypothesized that children with TVs in their bedrooms would lookout more developed-directed content than children without TVs in their bedrooms. Finally, nosotros considered the hypothesis that children with difficult temperaments would accept TVs in their bedrooms for the perceived benefit of aiding sleep onset.

Participants and methods

Children were recruited from preschools in western Massachusetts for a larger study of young children's sleep and noesis. To exist eligible, children had to meet the following criteria: enrolled in a participating preschool (eligible age for preschool 33–71 months old); (ii) normal or corrected vision and hearing; (3) no history of slumber disorder or developmental inability diagnoses; (4) no use of sleep-affecting or psychotropic mediations; (5) no travel outside of local fourth dimension zone in the week prior to study start date. The transition from napping to no longer napping is quite heterogenous, occurring across the preschool years (Weissbluth, 1995), thus justifying the 33 to 71 months age range.



Actigraphy provides a reliable estimate of sleep compared to polysomnography (Sadeh et al., 1994) and is deemed valid in this age range compared to polysomnography (Meltzer, Walsh, & Peightal, 2015) and videosomnography (Sitnick, Goodlin-Jones, & Anders, 2008). The Actiwatch Spectrum ii (Phillips Respironics, Curve, OR) is a wrist-worn device, is water-resistant, has off-wrist detection, an event mark button, and a triaxial accelerometer to measure movement. The sampling rate was 32 Hz with a sensitivity of <.01g. Data were stored in the internal memory of the watch in xv-second epochs and were downloaded to a computer for analysis after the 16-day study. Caregivers and classroom teachers were also provided with a sleep diary to record the children'due south daily sleep habits as well as instances when the actigraph was removed. This information aided scoring of actigraphy data. For daily sleep habits, caregivers were asked to record nap occurrences, bedtimes, length of fourth dimension to fall asleep after bedtime, and wake times. Classroom teachers were asked to record whether children napped during the days of the report.

Actigraphy data were scored using the default algorithm in the Actiware software. Both slumber diary entries and consequence markers were used to score sleep records. If there was not an entry in the sleep diary or an effect mark, the first 3 consecutive minutes of sleep defined sleep onset and the last 5 consecutive minutes of sleep defined wake onset. Enquiry administration analyzing the data were blind to the atmospheric condition and the variables of involvement in this study. When sources were discrepant, consensus discussions was used. If consensus could non be reached, information was excluded.

Sleep variables were derived from sleep episodes during day (i.e., naps) and night. These variables were averaged, excluding the twenty-four hour period on which a nap was experimentally promoted (see Spencer et al., 2016). Slumber variables in the current analysis included: (1) 24-hour slumber duration, nap/daytime slumber duration, (3) overnight slumber duration, (four) sleep onset time, and (5) wake onset time. Analyses controlled for age.

Researchers asked parents and caregivers to encourage children to habiliment the Actiwatch as ofttimes as possible. Five or more days of usable actigraphy data is a recommended minimum for recording sleep in children (Acebo et al., 1999). However, children with at least 2 days of usable actigraphy information were included in these analyses because those children with 2 to five days of actigraphy data accounted for only 5% of the dataset and the hateful number of days of actigraphy data was substantially longer than recommended: xi.39 days (SD = 3.56). The number of usable days of actigraphy data did not differ across TV viewing groups (Fsouth < .58, ps > .560). The number of usable days of actigraphy information did differ between children with a Television receiver in their bedroom (M = 10.68, SD = 3.fifty) and children without a Tv in their bedroom (M = eleven.94, SD = iii.39; t(280) = −2.89, p = .004).

Demographics and wellness questionnaire.

The demographics and wellness questionnaire consisted of 72 questions almost both the child and the caregiver. Questions focused on child's wellness, eating habits, Telly employ, caregiver didactics, employment, and income. Children'southward Telly use, mother'southward education, family income, and other demographic responses were used to characterize the population. Boob tube utilise related questions included in these analyses were: "Is there a TV in your child's bedchamber? If yes, what is the purpose of the Television set in the sleeping room?", "In the past month, on boilerplate, about how many hours a twenty-four hours does your child spend sitting still watching Boob tube or videos?", "Thinking about the by calendar month, on average, how often does your child spotter each of the following programs?", and "If your child watches TV or videos, on average, how long are they away from TV before bedtime?".

Kid Behavior Questionnaire.

An abbreviated grade (36 items) of the Kid Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ-Very Short Course; Putnam & Rothbart, 2006) was used to appraise kid temperament. Caregivers used a vii-point Likert scale to rate how truthful each statement of behavior was of their child in the past 6 months. The scale ranged from 1 ("extremely not truthful") to 7 ("extremely true"), or caregivers could also choose "not applicable" if the statement did non apply to their kid. The raw score for the negative touch scale was used for analyses, and this scale is a composite of questions which mensurate displays of fearfulness, discomfort, acrimony, and sadness (Rothbart, Ahadi, Hershey, & Fisher, 2001).


The Institutional Review Lath at University of Massachusetts Amherst approved all procedures of the report. Study information was provided to caregivers at morning 'driblet-off' and afternoon 'pick-up'. Experimenters were present to answer questions and collect signed consent forms over the course of a week prior to testing. Caregivers were informed of the study's procedures and provided informed consent. Children besides provided assent before participating. On the first day of the study, children had actigraphs fitted to their non-dominant wrists. Caregivers were asked to remind and encourage their children to continue the actigraph on for the 16-day report. In addition, caregivers and children were instructed to press the issue marker button on the actigraph at the beginning and end of each slumber opportunity, both during the solar day and at nighttime. Parents and teachers were also given slumber diaries to consummate.

Equally part of the larger study, during the 16-day interval, experimenters intermittently visited the classrooms to conduct tests of memory (e.m., Desrochers, Kurdziel, & Spencer, 2016; Kurdziel et al., 2013; Kurdziel & Spencer, 2018) and vocabulary (Peabody Motion-picture show Vocabulary Test–Iv; Dunn & Dunn, 2007). Experimenters checked actigraphs at these times, reminding those who had removed the actigraphs to wear them and checking for device failures. On two separate visits, children were nap and wake promoted (run into Spencer et al., 2016). When children were nap promoted, an experimenter tried to keep the children at-home and repose during naptime to encourage them to nap. When children were wake promoted, an experimenter tried to keep children quietly entertained during naptime to forestall them from napping. Sleep variables from these days were excluded from these analyses. On the last twenty-four hours of the study, actigraphs, questionnaires, and slumber diaries were collected. Caregivers received monetary compensation after turning in completed questionnaires and children received storybooks for their participation.

Data assay

Boilerplate daily TV viewing.

Parents reported daily average Television viewing on weekdays and weekends based on five choices: none, < one hour, i–3 hours, four–6 hours, and vii+ hours. Reports of viewing on weekdays and weekends were strongly correlated (r = .59, p < .001; Table i). To increase sample size in each category, children were grouped into 3 viewing groups: <1 hour per day, one–iii hours per day, and 4+ hours per day. Five separate univariate ANCOVAs were run with viewing group (<1 hour, 1–three hours, 4+ hours) equally the independent variable and a measure of slumber (24-hr sleep duration, nap/daytime sleep elapsing, overnight sleep duration, sleep onset time, wake onset fourth dimension) as a dependent variable.

Table 1.

Frequency data for average daily TV viewing on weekdays and weekends.

Weekdays (Monday-Friday) Weekends (Sat & Sunday)
None 18 5
<1 hour 118 62
one–three hours 150 189
4–6 hours 6 34
vii+ hours 1 4
Full 293 294

Sleeping accommodation Tv set presence.

Five split up univariate ANCOVAs were run with bedchamber Tv set presence as the contained variable and a measure out of sleep (24-hour slumber duration, nap/daytime sleep duration, overnight sleep duration, slumber onset fourth dimension, wake onset time) as a dependent variable. Chi square tests were as well run to examine differences in Boob tube use earlier bedtime, Television programs, mother'south education, and family income between children with and without TVs in their bedrooms. Finally, a univariate ANCOVA was run with bedroom Television receiver presence equally the contained variable and parent rating of child negative touch as the dependent variable.


The sample for the larger study was 586 children (263 female) with a mean historic period of 51.15 months (SD = 10.00). Non all children in the larger study had actigraphy or questionnaire data, thus analyses for the current report were based on 470 children (217 female) with a hateful age of 51.eighteen months (SD = 9.94). This sample was 58.3% Caucasian, xvi.4% mixed race, 9.4% African-American, half-dozen.half dozen% Hispanic, 2.1% Chinese, ane.5% Asian Indian, .4% Korean, and .half-dozen% Vietnamese. Race was not reported for approximately 5% of this sample. On average, children slept 10.24 hours (SD=.66) in a 24-hour period and nine.58 hours (SD=.68) overnight. In addition, 95% of children napped over the grade of the study. On average, these children napped for 90.26 minutes (SD=23.18).

Average daily TV viewing and slumber

For average 24-hour slumber duration, there was a main effect of weekday Tv viewing (F(2,285) = half dozen.64, p = .002, partial η 2 = .05; Figure 1). Children who spotter <1 hour of TV slept 14 minutes more than children who picket ane–3 hours of TV on an average weekday (F(1,251) = 11.xi, p = .001, partial η 2 = .04). The mean slumber time for children who watch four+ hours per twenty-four hour period was shorter than that of those who watched <1 60 minutes per day, but this difference was non significant (F(1, 145) = .54, p = .465, partial η 2 = .004), likely reflecting the small-scale sample in this group (Table i). At that place was besides a main effect of weekend Tv set viewing (F(2,286) = 4.62, p = .011, partial η 2 = .03). Children who watch <1 hour of TV slept 23 minutes more than than children who sentinel 4+ hours on an average weekend day (F(1,xc) = xi.60, p = .001, partial η 2 = .xi).

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Total sleep elapsing every bit a function of viewing time and group.

For average overnight sleep duration, there was a main consequence of weekday Boob tube viewing (Effigy 2; F(2,285) = 11.95, p < .001, fractional η 2 = .08). Children who watch <one hour of Boob tube slept 22 minutes more than children who spotter 1–iii hours of Television on an average weekday (F(one,251) = 15.82, p < .001, partial η 2 = .06). There was also a main effect of weekend Boob tube viewing (F(2,286) = 11.22, p < .001, partial η 2 = .07). Children who watch <1 hour of Television receiver slept xi minutes more children who sentry ane–3 hours of Boob tube on an boilerplate weekend day (F(i,250) = four.14, p = .043, partial η 2 = .02) and 38 minutes more than children who watch iv+ hours on an average weekend 24-hour interval (F(1,90) = xx.64, p < .001, fractional η two = .19). Children who watch one–three hours of Goggle box too slept 26 minutes more than children who watch 4+ hours on an average weekend twenty-four hour period (F(1,215) = thirteen.51, p < .001, fractional η 2 = .06).

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Nighttime sleep duration as a role of viewing fourth dimension and group.

For average nap duration, in that location was a primary effect of weekday Boob tube viewing (F(2,270) = 5.69, p = .004, fractional η 2 = .04; Figure iii). Children who watch 1–3 hours of TV had naps that were 9 minutes longer than naps of children who picket <ane hour of Tv on an average weekday (F(1,251) = 9.43, p = .002, partial η 2 = .04). There was likewise a main effect of weekend Telly viewing (F(2,271) = 8.85, p < .001, partial η two = .06). Children who watch 4+ hours of Goggle box napped 17 minutes more than children who spotter <1 60 minutes (F(1,ninety) = 11.10, p = .001, partial η ii = .eleven) and children who lookout man 1–3 hours of Idiot box on an average weekend day (F(one,215) = 17.73, p < .001, partial η 2 = .08).

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Nap duration equally a function of viewing fourth dimension and group.

For average slumber onset time, there was a principal effect of weekday Idiot box viewing (F(2,285) = 16.95, p < .001, fractional η 2 = .11; Table 2). Children who lookout man <1 hour of Boob tube went to bed 35 minutes earlier than children who watch 1–3 hours of TV on an average weekday (F(one,251) = 23.95, p < .001, partial η 2 = .09). In that location was also a main upshot of weekend Boob tube viewing (F(ii,286) = 8.84, p < .001, fractional η 2 = .06). Children who lookout man < 1 hr of TV on weekend days went to bed 46 minutes earlier on boilerplate than children who sentinel 4+ hours of TV on an boilerplate weekend day (F(1,ninety) = 14.09, p < .001, partial η 2 = .xiv). Children who spotter 1–3 hours of TV went to bed 33 minutes earlier on average than children who watch 4+ hours of TV on an average weekend day (F (1, 215) = x.95, p = .001, partial η ii = .05).

Table 2.

Sleep and wake onset (decimalized 24-hr time) as functions of viewing group for weekday and weekend TV viewing.

Weekday TV Viewing Weekend Telly Viewing

<i hour 1–3 hours four+ hours <1 hour i–3 hours 4+ hours
Slumber Onset 21.xiv (.79) 21.75 (.94) 21.77 (.50) 21.21 (.93) 21.45 (.90) 21.98 (.76)
Wake Onset 6.92 (.69) 7.nineteen (.74) half-dozen.99 (.68) 7.01 (.76) seven.07 (.69) 7.10 (.86)

For average wake onset time, there was a main effect of weekday TV viewing (F(2,266) = 4.06, p = .018, partial η two = .03; Tabular array ii), but not weekend Television set viewing (F(two,267) = .13, p = .877, partial η ii = .001). Children who watch < one hour of TV on an average weekday woke upwards 15 minutes earlier on average than children who watch 1–3 hours of TV on an boilerplate weekday (F(1,251) = 7.lxx, p = .006, partial η 2 = .03).

Bedroom Goggle box presence

We examined how the presence of a Goggle box in the child's sleeping accommodation was related to sleep. Descriptive data are presented in Table iii. In our sample, 36% of children had TVs in their bedrooms. According to parent reports, 29% said the purpose for the Television is to aid their child fall comatose. About 33% of children with TVs in their bedrooms roughshod asleep with the Television receiver on.

Table iii.

Descriptive information based on bedroom TV presence.

Bedroom TV (N=168)  No Bedroom Television set (Northward=302)
Sexual activity, F:M  76:92  141:161
Age, months (SD)  52.98* (9.69)  50.17* (ix.95)
Mother's education
  Less than 12th class  6.1%  .eight%
  High school degree or GED  24.three%  three.5%
  Some college  36.five%  15.1%
  Associate's degree  sixteen.9%  6.0%
  Bachelor's caste  xiv.nine%  23.0%
  Chief's or Ph.D.  one.4%  51.6%
Family Income
  $5,000 or less  9.9%  3.8%
  $five,001 to 10,000  15.2%  2.ane%
  $10,001 to 20,000  21.ii%  7.2%
  $twenty,001 to xl,000  27.8%  nineteen.6%
  $40,001 to lxx,000  11.9%  12.0%
  $70,001 to 100,000  five.three%  18.2%
  $100,001 to 150,000  iv.0%  19.half dozen%
  More than $150,000  2.6%  fifteen.five%
  Not reported  2.0%  2.1%

Sleep duration and quality.

On average, children without TVs in their bedrooms slept xxx minutes more during the dark compared to those with a TV in their bedroom (F(i,299) = 43.75, p < .001, partial η 2 = .13). Although, children with TVs in their bedchamber slept 12 minutes more on boilerplate during naps (F(one,283) = 17.16 p < .001, fractional η 2 = .06), still, they slept 17 minutes less during a 24-60 minutes period than children without TVs in their bedrooms (F(i,299) = 13.88, p < .001, partial η 2 = .04). Children with TVs in their bedrooms went to bed 40 minutes later than children without TVs in their bedrooms (F(ane,299) = 42.38, p < .001, partial η 2 = .12), just they did not wake up significantly later (F(1,280) = 2.96, p = .086, partial η 2 = .01). Children with TVs in their bedrooms also had significantly more variability in total sleep duration, night sleep duration, nap slumber duration, sleep onset, and wake onset than children without TVs in their bedrooms (Fs>6.05, ps<.015, partial η 2 s > .02). Variability in sleep variables is indicated by the standard deviation for each variable.

Television use before bedtime.

Based on the premise that having a TV in the bedroom leads to afterward viewing, we examined whether the presence of a Television receiver in the bedroom predicted when children terminate watching TV earlier bed (Table 4). A chi square test revealed a deviation in nighttime viewing between children with and without TVs in their bedrooms (χ 2(half-dozen) = 117.93, p < .001, φ = .55), as children with bedroom TVs watched TV significantly later at night.

Table 4.

Typical decision of daily Television viewing as a function of bedroom Goggle box presence.

Bedroom TV No Chamber Tv
Does not watch .7% 5.7%
3 hours before bedtime 1.5% 13.9%
2 hours before bedtime two.9% 12.6%
one hour earlier bedtime 8.0% 19.1%
30 minutes before bedtime 27.0% 32.ii%
Immediately before bedtime 27.8% 15.two%
Falls asleep with Tv on 32.two% one.3%

TV programs.

Chi square tests for educational children'south programs, children'south entertainment, and electric current event programs did not reveal significant differences betwixt children with and without TVs in their bedrooms (ps>.06, φs<.17; Table 5). Children with bedchamber TVs watched fewer children'southward movies, more adult programs, and more adult movies than children without sleeping accommodation TVs (ps<.012, φs>.24).

Table 5.

TV programs viewed equally a office of Television receiver presence

Bedroom TV No Sleeping accommodation Tv set
Educational children's programs 92.1% 92.5%
Entertaining children's programs 93.4% 83.5%
Children'southward movies 96.vii% 80.iv%
Adult programs 23.3% ii.five%
Current consequence programs 23.0% thirteen.4%
Developed movies 25.0% one.9%

Mother's teaching and family income.

We also examined the connection between mother's educational activity and presence of a Telly in the kid's bedroom. A chi foursquare test revealed a difference in mothers' education levels between children with and without TVs in their bedrooms (χ 2(5) = 149.32, p < .001, φ = .61; Table three). Withal, mother's teaching was also strongly correlated with total family income (r=.535, p <.001). For family income, a chi square test revealed a difference in income betwixt children with and without TVs in their bedrooms, with bedroom Goggle box presence more prevalent in low income households (χ 2(8) = 95.62, p < .001, φ = .47; Tabular array 3).

Kid temperament.

Given that TV presence was often justified as a fashion to help children fall asleep, we assessed whether those with bedroom TVs differed in temperament from those without. An ANCOVA revealed a significant main result of sleeping accommodation TV presence for kid's negative impact (F(one,436) = thirteen.01, p < .001, partial η ii = .03). Children with TVs in their bedrooms are rated higher on negative affect (Chiliad = 4.04, SD = .84) than children without TVs in their bedrooms (K = 3.71, SD = .90).


Contrary to the recommendations of the American University of Pediatrics, many children watch substantial amounts of TV each day, and some children even lookout it in their bedrooms (Rideout, 2017). These factors tin can impair cognitive abilities (Mistry et al., 2006), only the near important influence is on children'due south slumber (Brockmann et al., 2016). Using objective measures of sleep, our results replicate previous reports of the impairing roles of TV viewing fourth dimension and presence of a bedroom TV on sleep in early childhood (Cain & Gradisar, 2010; Calamaro et al., 2011; Cespedes et al., 2014). We also extend these prior results, demonstrating an increase in nap length with TV viewing that nonetheless fails to equate sleep time in 24 hours with those who watch less TV.

Children who spotter little or no TV got more slumber overall and at night than children who watch over an hour of Television each day. In addition, the presence of a TV in children's bedrooms was associated with shorter sleep duration and poor sleep quality. This finding could indicate that TV viewing and bedrooms TVs impact sleep and wake onset. These findings are consistent with prior studies on this age range (Brockmann et al., 2016; Cain & Gradisar, 2010; Cespedes et al., 2014; Garrison et al., 2010; Nathanson & Fries, 2014; Paavonen et al., 2006; Przybylski, 2018). Still, previous studies used parent-study estimates of sleep, whereas the current study utilized actigraphy measures. This type of sleep measurement provides more than accurate reports of children's slumber and wake times.

Actigraphy also allowed us to examine how mid-day napping was influenced by Telly viewing and bedchamber TVs. Children who viewed more than TV and have TVs in their bedrooms compensated for some lost overnight sleep with daytime naps. However, their overall 24-60 minutes sleep duration remained shorter than that of children who watched less Telly and do not have TVs in their bedrooms. Interestingly, children with TVs in their bedrooms were significantly older than the children without TVs in their bedrooms, yet they napped longer. If these children rely on daytime naps to meet their sleep demand, then the transition away from daytime naps may exist more difficult. Limitations on viewing duration and the removal of the Tv from the bedroom may be important.

The presence of a bedchamber TV was greater in children of depression-income and depression-education mothers. Among children without TVs in their bedrooms, eighty% of their mothers have a college degree or higher level education, whereas the rate is only 33.2% among children with TVs in their bedrooms. Besides, of children with sleeping room TVs were in households with an income of <$40,000. The association betwixt bedroom TV presence and Tv viewing with socio-economic factors is well known (Borghese et al., 2015; Sure & Kahn, 2002).

Having a Idiot box in a kid'due south bedroom can impact sleep for a variety of reasons. In this sample, nigh 13% of children with TVs compared to 50% of children without TVs in their bedrooms stop watching an hour before they go to bed. This extensive usage before bed may provide an explanation for worse sleep quality and shorter slumber duration amidst children with TVs in their bedrooms. I possibility is that the lite emitted from the TV screen impacts sleep by delaying melatonin release and disrupting a child's circadian rhythms (Brockmann et al., 2016; Calamaro et al., 2011).

Viewing TV before bed may also relate to the types of programs these children are watching. In this written report, children with TVs in their bedrooms were reported to lookout man more adult content than children without TVs in their bedrooms. This content is probable more mentally and emotionally arousing than child-directed content, thus negatively influencing children's sleep (Cespedes et al., 2014; Nathanson & Chips, 2014).

The current study accounted for many variables and added an objective measure of sleep, but information technology had some limitations. Most importantly, measures of TV viewing relied on parent reports, requiring parents to be aware of TV viewing when they were not probable nowadays. Moreover, our study measured TV apply and non split or condiment impact of mobile devices. In the future, it volition be imperative to include questions about employ of other technology such as tablets and smart phones. Additionally, reported measures represent associations and not necessarily causation. There is the possibility that children who already have difficulty falling asleep are provided with the opportunity to watch more TV, to watch Boob tube later, and to sentinel Goggle box in their bedrooms to aid sleep onset. Given know associations between TV viewing and childhood obesity (e.g., Jago et al., 2005), these data also suggest further consideration should be given to whether sleep may mediate this relationship.


The results point to a demand to consider TV viewing and sleeping accommodation Boob tube access in efforts to meliorate kid sleep quality, peculiarly in early babyhood. Future research examining additional factors will serve to elucidate these connections and allow researchers to educate society further on the impacts of Television use on sleep in children as well as adults.


This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [HL111695] awarded to R. One thousand. C. Spencer.


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Contributor Information

Abigail F. Captain, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Academy of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Rebecca Thou. C. Spencer, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.


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